The Influence of Social Support on the Level of Anxiety, Depression and Burden Among Stroke Patients' Caregivers – Preliminary Findings
anxiety, depression, burden, caregiver, stroke, social support, health educationAbstract
Background. Stroke is a medical emergency, it occurs suddenly, putting the patient and his family in a new, unexpected and extremely stressful situation. About 70 000 people suffer stroke every year in Poland and the number is constantly increasing. Potential intervening factor, which influenced functioning of caregivers of patients with stroke may be social support, in the form of a health educational program.
Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the importance of social support in the form of health educational program for anxiety and depression level and burden of stroke patients’ caregivers.
Material and methods. The study group consisted of 22 caregivers (family members) of the patients hospitalized in the Department of Neurology for Adults, Medical University Hospital in Gdansk, with a stroke or TIA. The study was conducted in the period from January 2008 to February 2010. The research method was preexperimental study, one-group pretest-posttest design, without a control group. The evaluation assessed the level of anxiety and depression among caregivers and the level of caregivers burden load level (3 and 6-12 months after the occurrence of stroke in a close relative), the study compared with baseline during hospitalization.
Results. The level of anxiety among caregivers ranged on the border between the lack of disturbance (0-7 pts.) and the symptoms of borderline (8-10 pts.). Based on the HADS scale there was no depression in this group. The level of emotional exhaustion in the group of careers was at the average level. However, depersonalization among caregivers performed at a low level. Caregivers highly evaluated their capabilities, to provide care for stroke relatives.
Conclusions. 1. When the time passes from the occurrence of the incident stroke, the level of anxiety and depression among caregivers decreased. In the first study, the level of caregivers’ anxiety was significantly lower in the case of better functional status of the patient. 2. In the research population, there were no high-level of burden. 3. With the improvement of neurological and functional status of the stroke patients, the level of emotional exhaustion significantly decreased and significantly increased assessment of own capabilities of taking care. 4. In the study population of caregivers reported no high-level of burden. There was no statistically significant differences in the impact of applied health educational program on the level of anxiety and depression and caregivers burden. (PNN 2013;2(1):18-26)
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