The Disturbances in Understanding of Emotional and Linguistic Prosody in Patients with Right Hemisphere Damage
right hemisphere damage, linguistic prosody impairments, emotional prosody impairments, brain tumor, brain hematomaAbstract
Background. The prosody is a melodic line of speech. It is formed by proper intonation, rhythm and accentuation of words and sentences during the utterance. The disturbances of understanding of the prosody lead to difficulties in perception of conversation purpose.
Aim. The aim of this study is to ascertain the relationship between the localization and the nature of the lesion of the right brain hemisphere and understanding of the linguistic and emotional prosody in neurological and neurosurgical patients.
Material and methods. The study was conducted in Neurosurgical and Neurotraumatological Department of University Hospital in Cracow and also in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology and Neurology Department with Stroke Unit of Provincial Specialized Ludwik Rydygier Hospital in Cracow. 20 patients and 23 controls have been studied. The set of tests dedicated to investigate speech and communication functions of the right hemisphere were applied; tests concerning linguistic and emotional prosody were used.
Results. For the Emotional Prosody Test statistically important differences (p<0.05) have been noticed in patients with parietal and frontal lobe impairments, comparing to control group (lower scores). The Linguistic Prosody Test was performed with statistically important worse results, comparing to healthy volunteers, by patients with temporal (p<0.01), parietal (p<0.05) and frontal lobe (p<0.05) impairments. For patients with brain tumor results of the Emotional and the Linguistic Prosody Tests were statistically (p<0.01) lower comparing to control. Patients hospitalized due to the brain hematoma have got worse results in the Emotional prosody test (p<0.05) comparing to control.
Conclusions. The patients with frontal and parietal lobe impairments have presented decreased perception of emotional prosody comparing to control group. The patients with brain tumor or brain hematoma have had difficulties in perception of emotional prosody message comparing to the control group, while the perception of the linguistic prosody was disturbed in brain tumor patients. (PNN 2013;2(2):63-68)
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