Quality of Life and Functional Performance in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
multiple sclerosis, functional performance, quality of lifeAbstract
Background. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease and the most common one influencing central nervous system. It is a condition that significantly impairs the patient’s life. It deteriorates functional abilities in all aspects of daily life, and thus worsens the quality of life.
Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate functional capacity in patients with multiple sclerosis and its impact on quality of life.
Materials and methods. The study was covered by 50 people. The tests were carried out using a diagnostic survey. Usedresearch tools were interview questionnaires for socio-demographic data and standardized research tools: ADL and IADL scale and the scale of Quality of Life WHOQOL-BREF. For statistical analysis of the correlation the coefficient test Spearman’s rho-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov were used. Statistical significance of differences was determined at a confidence level of p<0.05.
Results. The study included men and women. Women accounted for the majority of the study population — 64%, andonly 33% of the respondents were men. The vast majority of respondents lived with the family — 78%. Among the respondents, 86% had suffered over 20 years, only 14% of respondents had suffered no more than 10 years. Analyses have shown that the test people were more efficient in terms of basic and complex activities of daily living, the higher they assessed the quality of their own lives.
1.A statistically significant correlation was shown between the assessment of quality of life and the exercise of the basic activities of daily living for people with multiple sclerosis.
2.Statistically significant differences were observed between the assessment of quality of life and performance ofcomplex activities of daily living for people with multiple sclerosis.
3.No statistically significant relationship was observed between the duration of the disease and the assessment ofthequality of life in various fields according to scale WHOQOL-Bref. (PNN 2013; 2(5): 188–194)
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