Neuropsychologiczne podstawy wprowadzenia zmian w klasyfikacji zaburzeń seksualnych
DOI:łowa kluczowe
dysfunkcje seksualne, kryteria diagnostyczne, DSM-5, ICD-10 — F52Abstrakt
This paper aims to compare and contrast proposed American Psychiatric Association website DSM 5 definitions of sexual dysfunctions with that of ICD-10 — F52 and explains the rationale for making changes. All the DSM classifications until present time based definitions of sexual dysfunctions on expert opinions that were not supported by sufficient clinical or epidemiological data. Additionally, included vague terms such as satisfactory, soon after, rapid, short, minimal, recurrent and persistent which were not precise and difficult to interpret. Showed male and female sexual dysfunctions on the same continuum based on unified sexual response cycles.
The fifth version of the APA’s classification was released in May 2013. The DSM-5 merged female desire and arousal diagnosis into one entity defined as female sexual interest and arousal disorders, vaginisimus and dyspareunia as genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder, deleted sexual aversion, the diagnostic classification separated for men and women. DSM attempted to operationalize the diagnostic criteria and avoided vague terms. It is also expected to introduce changes in the classification of disorders in ICD-10. (JNNN 2014;3(3):136–141)
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