An Attempt at Evaluating the Risk of Dementia in Elderly People under Long-term Care
dementia, elderly people, long-term careAbstract
Introduction. An increase in the number of elderly people and hence in dementia is the consequence of extended lifespans worldwide. Difficulties in organising and financing care for elderly patients as well as considerable treatment costs have become major issues for contemporary healthcare systems because of a large number of people affected by dementia.
Aim. This research aimed at attempting to specify the risk of dementia in elderly people under institutional long-term care.
Material and Methods. The research cohort was comprised of 300 elderly patients who were staying in long-term care institutions all over Poland. The investigation employed the NOSGER scale (Nurses’ Observation Scale for Geriatric Patients), which allows both professional and non-professional carers of the elderly to evaluate physical, mental, and social state of their patients quickly and easily.
Results. An overall evaluation of the elderly averaged out at 74.76±20.80. Investigated patients functioned best in the domain of distracting activities (7.83±2.58) and memory (10.38±3.81). Mood (12.18±4.39) and activities of daily living (13.19±5.31) averaged out at slightly lower levels. Finally, greatest deficits were discovered in the domain of social behaviour (14.42±5.16) and instrumental activities of daily living (16.74±4.82).
Conclusions. Research findings show that the group of geriatric patients staying in long-term care institutions faces low risk of dementia changes. Within the domains that are significant for changes of this type (memory, mood, disruptive behaviour) patients functioned at a relatively good level. Greatest deficits were only found in the domain of physical functioning, which was related to restricting their functional ability caused by already existing ailments and age-related constraints. (JNNN 2014;3(3):116–120)
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