Shaping Nursing Professional Skills with the use of the Method of Nursing Process as well as Diagnoses and Nursing Interventions According to ICNP Oriented on the Female Patient with Multiple Sclerosis
ICNP, nursing process, individual case, MSAbstract
Introduction. In order to achieve a learning success by a nurse during the pre- and post-graduate education, it is useful to apply the method of case studies using the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) or the traditional model of the nursing process.
Case Report. The patient in good general condition, with overweight. Nourished orally, the patient shows a standard swallowing reflex. There are appetite disorders. Periodically, there occur constipation and urine retention. The patient shows increased risk of urinary tract infections due to self catheterization. Physical fitness limited because of the paresis of the right lower limb. Body balance impaired. The patient moves with the assistance from one person. She uses auxiliary means to move. On the Barthel Scale the patient scored 50 points, which indicates that she needs assistance in the performance of daily activities.
Discussion. In the patient with multiple sclerosis there occurred nursing problems, in particular: reduction of capacity in terms of self-care and self-nursing, difficulty in performing daily activities, difficulty with communicating, urine residual in the bladder, constipation, the possibility of contractures, the possibility of eating disorders, discomfort caused by increased sweating, depressed mood, pain in bones and joints.
Conclusions. Referring to diagnoses and ICNP interventions in the process of nursing it has been confirmed that the nursing care of the patient with MS is based on a holistic approach to the patient. All spheres of patient’s life regarding biological, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual aspects were included in it. (JNNN 2015;4(2):76–84)
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