The Influence of Surgical Treatment on Reported Ailments and Neurological Status of Patients with Spine Discopathy
discopathy, assessment, pain, neurological statusAbstract
Introduction. Treatment of patients with spine discopathy is the subject of interest in numerous medical disciplines and includes non-invasive as well as invasive methods. Both therapeutic ways aim to resolve the disc-root conflict. The clinical picture and the incidence of neurological complications depend on the location of herniated nucleus pulposus.
Aim. To determine the influence of surgical treatment on reported ailments and neurological status of patients with spine discopathy.
Material and Methods. The study was conducted twice (before and after the surgery) among 188 patients treated surgically due to cervical or lumbosacral spine discopathy. The analysis included: clinical and intraoperative diagnosis, the level of operation, BMI, and neurological status: Laseque’s sign, muscle strength, pain, dysesthesia, sphincter disorders. The results were analyzed by means of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and Statistica 6.0, assuming a significance level of p≤ 0.05.
Results. While assessing pain, in the case of L-S discopathy, the majority of patients belonged to group III (34%) and group IV (33.5%). After the operation, 37.8% of patients were classified as group II; in cervical discopathy this percentage was 12.2%. The positive Laseque’s sign before the operation was observed in 68.1% of the subjects; after the surgery in 56%.
Dysesthesia in the case of the upper discopathy occurred in 72.9% of the patients, after the surgery in 30.3% (p <0.05).
Conclusions. Performed surgery significantly results in reducing pain in patients. The improvement was also noticed in neurological status. (JNNN 2015;4(3):109–116)
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