Nursing Problems in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease — a Case Report
Alzheimer’s disease, nursing problemsAbstract
Introduction. Alzheimer’s disease is a syndrome caused by brain disease, usually chronic or of progressive course characterised by clinically numerous disorders of higher cortical functions. It is an incurable disease leading to a complete disability in the advanced stage. An latent initial phase of Alzheimer’s disease results in the disease being diagnosed in a more advanced stage.
Case Report. The case study refers to a 67 woman diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The disease was diagnosed 1.5 years ago. The paper presents selected needs and problems observed in a patient diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The work is a description of a case of a hypothetical patient.
Discussion. Care and looking after the patient with Alzheimer’s disease is a complex process. It is characterised by total engagement and the necessary specialistic knowledge on the part of all members of the care team taking care of the patient. Taking care of a patient with cognitive impairment is a difficult challenge for his family and relatives. It requires patience, calm and dedication. Nursing interventions are focused on the performance of professional diagnostic procedures, as well as assisting in everyday activities, supporting and educating the patients and their family.
Conclusions. Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic disease that leads to disturbances of functional and cognitive functions. In the presented case the patient is aware of the essence of her disease, which significantly reduces her current quality of life. With a decline in physical performance there can be observed deterioration of patient’s physical condition. A significant role in the care of a patient with AD is fulfilled by assistance in everyday activities. (JNNN 2016;5(3):117–122)
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