An Analysis of Patient Quality of Life after Ischemic Stroke of the Brain
quality of life, ischemic strokeAbstract
Introduction. In highly developed countries, apart from heart attack and malignancies, stroke is the third leading cause for death and one of the major causes for disability or worsening of self-reliance, and consequently the quality of life for adults.
Aim. To evaluate the quality of life and its conditions in patients who suffered an ischemic stroke.
Material and Methods. The study involved 100 patients who suffered an ischemic stroke of the brain at the Department of Neurological Rehabilitation of the Regional Hospital in Bialystok. A cutom-designed self-assessment questionnaire, the WHOQOL BREF Scale for assessing the quality of life, the Barthel Scale, and the Geriatric Depression Scale were used as research tools.
Results. 40 (40%) women and 60 (60%) men in the age range between 36 and 86 years old (mean age 69±9.93). The mean level of the overall quality of life in the study group of ischemic stroke of the brain patients was at 3.23±0.81, while self-assessment of health was worse than that. The somatic domain was rated as the worst by the elderly. Patients with diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease have assessed their quality of life to be worse. Patients in a fair functional condition rated their quality of life and self-assessed health as better.
Conclusions. The overall quality of life of patients after ischemic stroke of the brain was at an average level, both under objective and subjective assessment, and was correlated with functional fitness, worsening of depressive disorders, risk factors, education, and gender. (JNNN 2017;6(2):44–54)
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