Problems of Families of Patients after Ischemic Stroke
problem, family of patients, stroke ischemic brainAbstract
Stroke is a clinical syndrome associated with sudden onset of focal or global brain dysfunction. Causes of stroke are disorders of blood circulation, resulting in brain damage. As a result, intra-cerebral imbalances occur.
A stroke has often resulted in neurological changes and, consequently, functional difficulties. The patient needs help with self-care and self-service. A significant role is played by the patient’s family, which requires commitment to meet the needs and reduce deficits. Difficulties in the care of the patient include, but are not limited to, living conditions, family relationships, social roles and lack of knowledge about the disease. The role of the people taking care of the patient is to reduce deficits, meet needs and improve the quality of life of the patient.
The aim of the study is to identify the problems of the families of patients suffering from cerebral stroke. Literature analysis will show significant difficulties that arise from deficits and the need for immediate action in the area of patient care to improve the quality of life. (JNNN 2017;6(3):126–129)
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