A Care Plan For the Patient with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) — Case Report
spinal muscle atrophy, quality of life, careAbstract
Introduction. Spinal muscle atrophy (SMA) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases of genetic background the the child’s age. Regardless of the form, it is essential to draw up a suitable nursing care plan that will help in accepting disabilities as well as in the preservation of self-care and self-nursing nursing by the child and family.
Case Report. The case report refers to a 17-year-old patient diagnosed with a diagnosis spinal muscle atrophy (SMA) five years before. Anorexia has resulted in patient’s underweight. There is a functional deficit in the child. The family and the patient do not have sufficient knowledge about the disease.
Discussion. Taking care of a child with SMA during hospitalization period requires from all staff to have broad knowledge on mitigation of the symptoms emerged, delaying the consequences of weakness and muscle atrophy, and therefore prolonging functional efficiency.
Conclusions. The care issues of the patinet with SMA cover all areas of his functioning. The child and the family must accept the new situation they are in. Particular significance is attributed to systematic rehabilitation, which slows down the progress of the child’s motor impairment which promotes effective self-care and self-nursing care, and thus the quality of life. (JNNN 2017;6(3):114–119)
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