Assessment of the Quality of Life in Patients Recovering after a Cerebral Stroke
quality of life, a cerebral strokeAbstract
Introduction. Quality of life (QOL) has been defined as a person’s perception of their social, cultural and self-worth position in the society and its effect on the person’s goals, expectations and apprehensions in life. It is a wide-ranging concept including physical health, mental state, level of independence and social relationships.
Aim. The aim of the study was to asses the quality of life of patients after a cerebral stroke.
Material and Methods. The study was carried out in a group of 106 patients after a cerebral stroke and hospitalized in the neurological ward. The age of the patients was ranged 32–90 years (mean age 59.12±13.04). Females constituted 56.00% of the studied group. The majority of patients were married (57.55%). The study material was obtained with the use of WHOQOL-Bref scale and Barthel scale.
Results. The patients’ assessment of their general quality of life was at a mean level of 3.18±0.943 and their assessment of the state of health was 2.96±0.94. Distribution of the mean values in specific domains of life was as follows: social (55.00±21.61), environmental (54.23±16.67), somatic (53.89±18.17), psychological (46.53±17.23). Evaluation of the patients with Barthel scale classified the majority of them into Category II (51.90%), while Category I included 41.50% of patients; only 6.60% were in the worst state and qualified for Category III.
Conclusions. Self-assessment of the patients recovering from a cerebral stroke was at a reduced level. The patients’ functional agility significantly affected their assessment of the quality of life. The type of stroke, education and place of living had a considerable effect on self-assessment of the quality of life in the patients recovering from a cerebral stroke. (JNNN 2017;6(4):163–169)
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