Involvement of the Nurse in the Treatment of Ischemic Stroke — Knowledge of Nurses from the Stroke Unit
stroke unit, nurse, stroke, thrombolysis, knowledgeAbstract
Introduction. Stroke units are wards created to provide specialized care after stroke. Comprehensiveness of actions taken according to the latest recommendation is a priority. A nurse plays an important role at every stage of therapeutic activities. The actions taken by her should be based on the EBNP (Evidence Based Nursing Practice) and cover all aspects of care of the patient after stroke. By using up-to-date results of scientific studies in practice, the patient has been guaranteed the highest quality of care and safety.
Aim. In this study there has been discussed the issue of knowledge of the nursing staff from the Stroke Unit in the context of theoretical and practical information related to stroke.
Material and Methods. The research was conducted among 26 nurses from the Neurology and Stroke Unit. The diagnostic survey method was used. The research tool was an authorial questionnaire.
Results. Non-modifiable risk factors of stroke were indicated by 77% of people. The set of tests used to diagnose stroke was indicated by 15.4% of the respondents. A physical examination was often omitted. The recombinant plasminogen activator (rt-PA), as a medicine was marked by 52% participants, whereas as a medicine used for treatment was indicated by 32% of them. The meaning of the term thrombolysis is known by 100% of individuals, however, the possibility of performing intra-arterial thrombolysis was indicated by 30% of respondents. The recombinant plasminogen activator (rt-PA), as a medicine used in the thrombolysis was chosen by 43.5% respondents, and streptokinase by 39% of them. The sources of knowledge include professional work (54%), education (27%), trainings (19%). Conducting education among the patients is declared by 96% of the respondents.
Conclusions. 1) Knowledge of the nurses from the Stroke Unit on the basic matters regarding stroke is at a good level. 2) Knowledge of the nurses is mainly based on their personal experience. 3) Theoretical basics regarding new treatment techniques should be strengthened. 4) There is a need to organize courses to update the gained knowledge on new guidelines and information regarding the new scientific research. (JNNN 2017;6(4):150–156)
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