Factors Determining Night Rest and the Quality of Nursing Care for a Patient in a Neurological Ward
night rest, patient, quality of care, nurse, neurological nursingAbstract
Introduction. The duration of hospitalization in a neurological ward depends on the medical diagnosis and the patient’s state of health. Because of the variety of symptoms from the nervous system, nurse practitioners provide 24 hours care for their patients, fulfilling their professional duties. The family is also included in the care of the patient during the day. At night, the patient is mainly under the care of a nurse, which on the one hand, is a period of sleep and rest, and on the other hand, the risk of health deficiencies is increased.
Aim. The purpose of this paper is to present the patient’s opinion about the factors determining night rest in the ward and the quality of nursing care provided at night.
Material and Methods. A diagnostic survey was the research method, and the survey was the technique applied. The tools applied consisted of: Author Survey Questionnaire and Care Satisfaction Scale (Newcastle). The study was performed in a group of 98 patients of the clinical neurological Clinic in Rzeszów. The study covered the factors negatively affecting the patient’s night time rest in hospital and the nurse’s assessment of nursing and therapeutic tasks performed during the night. Patients with the score exceeding 6 in the Hodgkinson test 6 were included in the study.
Results. The factors hindering/disrupting the night rest were listed by the patients in the following order: snoring of other patients, pain, uncomfortable bed, morning temperature measurements, medical acts and others. The least disturbing factor was the staff’s talks. In assessing the quality of nursing care provided during the night, the highest scores were obtained by the following activities performed by nurses: satisfying needs to create a sense of security, providing medical care at scheduled time and satisfying the need for sleep and rest at night or the opportunity to talk to a nurse.
Conclusions. 1) The discomfort caused by factors affecting the night rest in the assessment of the patient is on the average level. 2) Overall assessment of nursing care by patients in both aspects the “experience” of nursing care and “satisfaction” was high. (JNNN 2017;6(4):143–149)
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