Nursing Problems of the Patient after Craniocerebral Trauma — Case Report
cranial-cerebral trauma, nursing problemsAbstract
Introduction. Cranial and cerebral injuries are an opened or closed brain damage coming into existence as a result of a short-lived mechanical factor affecting the skull. They constitute the most frequent cause of deaths amongst traumatic patients. In vast majority of fatal victims of injuries (70%) a cranial-cerebral injury is the cause of death. The aim of the work is to present the patient’s nursing problems after a cranial-cerebral injury as a result of a gunshot.
Case Report. The description of the case refers to the patient aged 35 who suffered from cranial-cerebral injury as a result of the gunshot wound in vague circumstances. The patient was subjected to surgical treatment consisting in the removal of a foreign body from the skull in the mode of urgency. He required intensive nursery supervision and the long-term rehabilitation. This work presents the description of the case and chosen nursing problems of the patient after the gunshot wound.
Discussion. Cranial-cerebral injuries are regarded to be the main cause of the mortality. The most important factor in the scale of intracranial injury is, above all, the strength of the injury. This value determines the extent of injury, prognosis, survival and recovery. However, the promptness of the given help is an important factor determining the fate of the patient. The advanced neurological deficit in the sick person after the cranial-cerebral injury requires the holistic approach to the patient and involvement the entire therapeutic team in the process of diagnosing, treatment, rehabilitation or the psychotherapy.
Conclusions. The state of the patient after the gunshot wound shows shortages and nursing problems in the biological, psychical and social sphere. The actions undertaken are of highly individual nature. The care over the patient after the gunshot wound should be comprehensive, adapted for identified shortages and individual needs of the patient according to applicable standards. (JNNN 2018;7(2):80–85)
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