Implementation of the Educational Program Among the Patients Treated Surgically Due to the Damage of the Part of the Centural Spine
education, spine, painAbstract
Introduction. Treatment of patients with spine disorders is a subject of interest to many medical disciplines. Most patients complaining of back pain are successfully cured with conservative methods, some require surgical procedures. In the entire therapy process, regardless of the method of treatment, patient education cannot be ignored.
Aim. Evaluation of the implementation of the educational program conducted among patients treated surgically for diseases of the cervical spine.
Material and Methods. The research was conducted among 156 patients on the Neurosurgery and Neurotraumatology Ward of The University Hospital No. 2 in Bydgoszcz, treated surgically for diseases of the cervical spine. The original educational program was carried out during the hospitalization of the patient in the ward. The program evaluations were planned through a preliminary and final verifying survey for each participant of the program. The collected material was subject to statistical analysis.
Results. Women constituted a larger group — 102 respondents (64.6%). The average age of the respondents was — 54.2 years. Before the implementation of the program, 92 people (58.2%) said they had partial knowledge of cervical spine diseases, but 48 respondents (30.4%) said they knew very little and only 6 patients (3.8%) indicated that they knew a lot. After the education, the vast majority of respondents claimed that their knowledge about life with cervical spondylosis disorders had improved significantly — 149 people (94.3%).
Conclusions. The respondents evaluated the program very well; almost all of them acknowledged that their state of knowledge about the life and prevention of spine diseases had definitely improved. There was a significant improvement of the respondents’ knowledge on the causes of back pain, mainly in people with primary education. (JNNN 2018;7(3):96–103)
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