Selected Aspects of Life Satisfaction Assessment Among Neurological Nurses
satisfaction with life, nurses, neurological wardsAbstract
Introduction. Satisfaction is a positive feeling, perceived subjectively. Assessment of life satisfaction is undertaken by comparing your own situation with the standards you set, your goals, objectives. Therefore, the measurement of satisfaction is based on individual criteria specific to each person.
Aim. The study aims to determine satisfaction with life among nurses working in neurological wards.
Material and Methods. The study was conducted in a group of 130 nurses working in neurological wards of hospitals in the Lublin Province. The vast majority of the study group constituted women (93.80%). Most respondents were aged between 36–50 years old (43.08%). The research used a standardized research tool: The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS).
Results. The examined group of neurological nurses assessed their satisfaction with life at an average level (20.66 ± 5.72 points). After converting points into sten values, the average was 5.56 ± 2.03 sten. Significant statistical differences in the assessment of life satisfaction were found in the material situation. The higher assessment was provided by nurses who were satisfied with their financial situation (21.70 points).
Conclusions. The assessment of satisfaction with life among neurological nurses was at an average level. Self-assessment of the financial situation significantly differentiated the assessment of life satisfaction in the group of surveyed nurses. (JNNN 2019;8(4):157–161)
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