Selected Sociodemographic Variables and the Quality of Life of Patients with Degenerative Changes in the Cervical Spine
degenerative change of the spine, quality of life, socio-demographic variableAbstract
Introduction. Degenerative diseases of the spine are a problem that threatens the modern population around the world.
Aim. Thus the main aim of the study was to assess the impact of socio-demographic variables such as: gender, age,
education, place of residence, type of work, marital status on the assessment of the quality of life by patients with
degenerative lesions of the cervical spine.
Material and Methods. The study was conducted at the non-public nursing care facility in Lipno on a group of 103
patients diagnosed with degenerative disease of the cervical spine. The study was conducted using the method of
diagnostic survey. It consisted in the assessment of patients within a period of at least 6 months from the diagnosis,
using an own-made questionnaire and a standardized tool, the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire.
Results. It was found that the quality of life of men is better in the psychological field than that of women.
Furthermore younger people function better in the somatic and psychological fields compared to older people.
Mentally working people assess their quality of life better than physical workers. The higher and better the education,
the better the quality of life in the somatic, social and environmental field. Moreover people in relationships show
a better quality of life in the social field compared to single people. The place of residence of the respondents does
not affect their quality of life.
Conclusions. Back pain is a significant clinical, social and economic problem. What’s more, they significantly reduce
the quality of life of patients. (JNNN 2021;10(1):18–25)
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