Bóg a stworzenie w teologii katolickiej
The scientific studies of the creation of the world and of man are of primarysignificance since they concern the very foundations of human life and give the
responses to the basic questions of the sense and purpose of human life. The world
was created by the Word of God. The work of creation is attributed to God the Father
but all the persons of the Holy Trinity share it. The world was created by love which
is God himself and who wills to share it with all the creation.
The purpose of creation is the participation in the Glory of God. God is
omnipotent and creates the world ex nihilo together with time and in time. God cares
and provides for all his creation, even though it has been corrupted by evil and sin.
Man, who was made in the image and likeness of God, is the summit of the Creator’s
work. As male and female, people are obliged, in the name of God and according to
his principles and laws, to care for the world which they have been entrusted with.
Jak cytować
OZOROWSKI, Mieczysław. Bóg a stworzenie w teologii katolickiej. Paedagogia Christiana [online]. 22 październik 2011, T. 28, nr 2, s. 84–98. [udostępniono 5.2.2025]. DOI 10.12775/PCh.2011.004.
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