Forgiveness in Psychotherapy
psychotherapy of mental health harm, dynamics of forgiveness, forgiveness in psychotherapyAbstract
To accurately describe the place of forgiveness in the psychotherapeutic process, one should take into account numerous types of psychotherapy. Many trends and schools of psychotherapy exclude forgiveness. But in reality, the process of psychotherapy and the process of forgiveness have a lot in common. Discomfort, anxiety and other unpleasant experiences accompany the process of psychotherapy, which reveals personal injuries and painful areas. In forgiveness-oriented therapy one should consider the context of grievance (sometimes also the context of guilt), the situation of the wronged person and his/her mental and spiritual dispositions. Discovering and naming the difficulties experienced, tribulations and grievances is the first stage and element of the process. Since forgiving is not only a mere act but also a process, thus one has to account for its certain phases. The motivation to forgive and the addressee, which is the evildoer, are also of utmost importance. The persons wronged direct their thinking concerning grievances and forgiveness not only toward individuals but also toward God and themselves. Forgiveness gains depth, motivation and efficacy in the context of religion. For Christians, the experience of God's forgiveness becomes the main motive to forgive. Religion becomes a meaningful factor in effective forgiveness-oriented therapy.
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