Family and Personality Conditioning of the Value System: Relationship of Parental Goals with Personality Traits and Value System of Their Adult Daughters
parental goals, personality project, personality traits, valuesAbstract
The experiences children acquire in the upbringing process shape their personality traits and system of values. These can be shaped in a special way by the parental goals, i.e., the personality traits that parents want to develop in their children, called the ‘personality project.’ The study tested whether parental goals coexist with personality traits and the value system of their adult daughters. The study was conducted on a sample of 402 women aged 21 to 50 years. To answer the research questions, text mining algorithms and cluster analysis performed by data mining algorithms were used. The results revealed that women whose parents tried to develop their Stability (Alpha-Plus) Trait as adult women had a more developed Stability (Alpha-Plus) Trait as well as a Personality Integration Trait (Gamma-Plus). These women attributed greater importance to values related to self-transgression (benevolence, universalism) and conservatism (conformity, tradition, security) and lower values related to self-empowerment (self-direction, stimulation) and openness to changes (hedonism, achievements, power).
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