Głos w sprawie znaczenia czasownika wyglądać na [kogoś / coś]
https://doi.org/10.12775/LinCop.2009.006Słowa kluczowe
semantyka, składnia, czasownik, percepcja wzrokowaAbstrakt
The present paper aims at describing semantic features of the expression [ktoś / coś] wygląda na [kogoś / coś / jakiegoś / jakieś]. The author discusses the relevant theses of Grzesiak (1983), Dobaczewski (2002) and Wierzbicka (1980) and presents her own semantic representation of the verb wyglądać na. From the formal point of view it is a two-place predicate. Its first argument refers to an object of visual perception. The other one, in spite of its form, refers to a kind of abstract, speculative object, conceived of in different ways by different authors. The sentences with this predicate have a very special thematic-rhematic structure. Their superordinate theme is an object of visual perception and their rhematic dictum is a characteristic feature ascribed to this object by someone who sees it. The surface structure conceals the third participant of the situation.
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