The Virgin Mary in the narratives of contemporary Catholic and Muslim mothers in Poland
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Virgin Mary; lived religion; Catholic mothers; Muslim mothers; motherhood; motheringRésumé
In this paper, we demonstrate how the figure of the Virgin Mary functions as an important element of the lived religion of contemporary Catholic and Muslim mothers in Poland. Based on the analysis of in-depth interviews and observational data we argue that the figure of Mary is recognized as a religious ideal and a role model by mothers identifying with both religions. We trace similarities and differences between Catholic and Muslim mothers in their reflexive engagement with ideas, symbols, and prescriptions attached to Mary and discuss how they reinvent the figure and ascribe it with personalised meanings: embrace some of the traditional attributes of Mary, challenge, and contest others, and construct new meanings firmly embedded in their daily life mothering experiences.
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© Joanna Krotofil, Dorota Wójciak, Dagmara Mętel 2023

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