Climate crisis and local practices towards intangible cultural heritage
An ethnoclimatological research proposal on selected phenomena of the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Poland
ethnoclimatology, climate ethnography, intangible cultural heritage, anthropopression, climate crisisAbstract
In this article, I present the assumptions of a pilot field study entitled “Analysis of the Relationship between Anthropogenic Climate Change and Local Practices towards Intangible Cultural Heritage”, which I started in the fall of 20221. The results of the research will enable a preliminary analysis of the impact of the climate crisis on traditionally established rituals and customs related to the growing season, the annual snow cycle (cf. Bolin 2009) and surface water levels. The article outlines the problem, the ethnographic area and methods, the theoretical perspectives (including ethnoclimatology and climate ethnography, Orlove et al. 2002; Crate 2011; Strauss 2018), the scope of the research work and preliminary conclusions.
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