Maps of Japan and the reproduction of Japanese national identity in popular culture
map, Japan, comic book, ideology, politics, poetics, popular culture, communication, national identityAbstract
The aim of the article is to show then relationship between a map and ideology, and more pre- cisely, how the national identity in contemporary Japanese popular culture is reproduced with the help of maps. In selected cases and illustrations from the comic book Nihon no rekishi nen- pyō jiten [Chronological Encyclopedia of Japanese History], I show how the information about the shape and number of islands belonging to this country is used in this process. The choice of the comic book was dictated by the fact that it was not a catalogue of maps of Japan, but a popular introduction to the history of this country. In order to organize the argument, the content of the article is divided into two parts. The first of them is an introduction to the topic of Japanese cartography and the ideological content that is absent in Polish literature. The second contains an analysis of specific examples of national ideas as found in the comic book Nihon no rekishi nenpyō jiten.
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