Translating cultures?: postcolonial comparisons
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postcolonialism, translating cultures, colonial discourse, trauma, intertextuality, valueRésumé
Comparison is a conceptual tool often used in postcolonial studies, juxtaposing phenomena and artefacts being the products of different cultural codes. In a global and multicultural world such an analysis might seem a simple interpretative procedure. However, since the 1950s a thorough transformation of the comparative practice can be observed in English postcolonial theory and criticism. The article is an attempt to discuss these changes, while putting into question the problem of translating cultures. The theoretical introduction is followed by an intertextual interpretation of two contemporary postcolonial novels: The Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, which was inspired by Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, and Foe by John Maxwell Coetzee, which revisions Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. The author concludes by exploring cultural appropriation in the context of deterritorialization and globalization, attempting to define new ways of approaching comparison in postcolonial studies.
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