Pietas and impietas as the characteristics of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ citizens and politicians in Rome during the decline of the Republic
https://doi.org/10.12775/KLIO.2021.013Słowa kluczowe
impietas, decline of the Roman Republic, pietas, Roman religion, viri boni – viri maliAbstrakt
The article discusses the use of religious elements (the contrast between the concepts of pietas vs. impietas) in the characterisation of Roman politicians and citizens during the declining years of the Republic. Pietas symbolised people possessing virtues of divine character, which, consequently, ensured their exceptional position. Accusations of impietas covered a number of cases of violation of religious regulations: inter alia, negligence of rites or sacrifices (neglegentia), profanation of worship or a sacred place, encroaching on or destruction of temples (templa, aedes, fana, sacella), places (e.g. groves – luci) or objects (e.g. altars – arae, statues – simulacra) recognised as holy, as well as tombs (violatio), sacrilegium (sacrilege), violation of the principles of divinatio (contra auspicia), as well as waging a war contrary to religious principles (bellum impium).
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