The anatomical-surgical and engraving instruments of the Danzig physician Christoph Gottwald
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Christoph(orus) Gottwald (1636–1700), Musaeum Gottwaldianum, natural history collections – Royal Prussia, natural history – the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, history of medicine – Danzig (Gdańsk) – 17th century, history of anatomyAbstrakt
Christoph Gottwald (1636–1700) was one of the most important Danzig doctors and collectors to live in the 17th century. Gottwald was a graduate of Leiden University
and a student of Frans de la Boë, known as Sylvius, becoming a doctor of medicine and philosophy as well as being an engraver. His legacy has been preserved among others
in seven works of chalcography, which together with an array of surgical-anatomical instruments present also pigments, microscopes as well as a vivisection table that constituted
a part of his scientific workshop. This constitutes a unique piece of evidence depicting the research of a naturalist living in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the second half
of the 17th century.
The paper was originally published as Instrumenty chirurgiczno-anatomiczne i rytownicze gdańskiego lekarza Christopha Gottwalda (1636–1700), “Klio” 2018, vol. 46,
issue 3, pp. 157–183, DOI: 10.12775/KLIO.2018.037.
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