Equisetum arvense L. field horsetail (Equisetaceae Michx. ex DC.)
https://doi.org/10.12775/HERB.2023.013Parole chiave
Equisetum arvense, eld horsetail, herbal medicine, plant communities, life cycle, diversity, hybridizationAbstract
The article is part of the series, devoted to studies on Equisetum species occurring in Poland. The species described here, Equisetum arvense L. – field horsetail, is regarded as typical for the entire genus. Among others, some morphological and anatomical characteristics of the species, its taxonomic diversity, distribution and association with specihc habitat types, as well as threats, traditional use and life cycle are presented below. The phytochemical composition has been presented in the context of ancient and modern phytotherapy.
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