Valuable raspberry fruits (Fructus Rubi idaei)
raspberry fruit, chemical composition, medicinal featuresAbstract
Raspberry is one of the oldest plants known to mankind for centuries and used for food and medical purposes. The usefulness of raspberry fruit (Fructus Rubi idaei) and leaves
(Folium Rubi idaei) is determined to a large extent by their chemical composition. The biological value of raspberry fruit (Rubus idaeus L) depends on the level of antioxidants
which include ascorbic acid and anthocyanins. However, the flavor and aroma of the fruit is determined by the degree of maturity, variety, the content of monosaccharides, organic
acids and volatile substances. Raspberry fruits are also rich in vitamins (especially vitamin C, vitamin B, PP, A, E and K), minerals: potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg),
iron (Fe), and minor amounts of manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), (therefore have a de-acidifying effect, strengthening the heart and regulate the activity of the nervous system). They also contain large amounts of fiber and pectin. The results of recent studies have shown that ellagic acid contained in raspberries (raspberry seeds contain up to 87.5% of the ellagic acid) inhibits neoplastic processes and has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory
features. Recent research confirms the positive impact of raspberry ketone (C10H12O2) for the treatment of obesity.
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