The Christocentric Exegesis in The Letters of St. Jerome. Based on Selected Examples
Jerome of Stridon, exegesis of Scripture, allegory, prosopology, typology, literal senseAbstract
This article presents examples of typological, prosopological and allegorical exegesis contained in the Letters of Jerome of Stridon. They concern Christocentric interpretation - showing how Christ is present in the texts referred to. In carrying out his Christocentric exegesis, the Monk of Bethlehem draws on the works of Origen and combines the wealth of the Alexandrian and Antiochian schools. All this makes Stridonian's interpretation extremely profound and characterised by a particular reference to Christ. The exegesis present in the Epistles fits in with that of the other Church Fathers. It must be emphasised that the biblical interpretation of the Author of the Vulgate made a special contribution to the development of Christology and eschatology.
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