Apocalyptic Motifs in Targum Neofiti 1 in the Context of the Apocalypse of Abraham
apocalyptic, Targum Neofiti 1, Apocalypse of Abraham, apocryphaAbstract
The apocalyptic literature developed within Judaism as a reaction to persecution and oppression by foreign powers, particularly during the period 200 B.C. to A.D. 135. Its main purpose was to convey God's revelation announcing the coming of salvation. Among the numerous works addressing this theme, the Apocalypse of Abraham and Targum Neofiti 1, an Aramaic translation of the Pentateuch, can be mentioned. This paper presents the apocalyptic ideas found in both texts, such as the motif of two worlds, judgment, rewards and punishments, afterlife, the Messiah, and angels. Comparative analysis allows for the identification of ancient traditions within Targum Neofiti 1 that trace back to the period of the Gospel's formation.
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