Selected Examples of Biblical Realities from the World of Flora and Fauna Introduced into the Translation of Holy Scripture by St. Jerome
realia biblica, castor oil plant, lion, hyrax, Jerome of StridonAbstract
The article has as its aim the presentation of biblical reality (realia biblica). The topic of the analysis is the translation by St. Jerome of few chosen terms: a Hebrew name of a plant called קִיקָיוֹן (qîqājôn – castor oil plant) and Hebrew names for animals: ליִַשׁ (layiš – lion) and שָׁפןָ (šāpān – hyrax). In the case of קִיקָיוֹן (qîqājôn) from Jonah 4,6, St. Jerome has chosen for his Latin translation a term hedera (ivy) and this choice caused a considerable confusion. The Hebrew term ליִַשׁ (layiš) from Job 4,11 was translated as tigris (tiger). Finally, hyrax (probably met during his staying in the Holy Land), a small biblical creature from Lev. 11,5; Deut. 14,7; Psa. 104,18; Prov. 30,26, was translated as: hare, hedgehog or even a pig. These examples plainly show a category of problems encountered met by St. Jerome during his process of choosing biblical realities. In the article I wish to organize all relevant information about the identification of the listed plants and animals. Firstly, I analyze the texts where St Jerome was defending his choices and was responding to criticism; secondly, I will confront his translations with the approach that Septuagint translators have chosen, and then with the information on flora and fauna present in ancient written sources and actual achievements of natural sciences.
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