The Need for a Theology of Biblical Inspiration. Some Remarks on the Basis of the Monograph, “From a Theology of Revelation to a Theology of Inspiration” by S. Zatwardnicki. A Study Inspired by the Works of Gerald O’Collins and Joseph Ratzinger’
Some remarks on the basis of the monograph by S. Zatwardnicki, "From a theology of revelation to a theology of inspiration. A study inspired by the work of Gerald O'Collins and Joseph Ratzinger"
biblical inspiration, truth, revelationAbstract
The author of the article asks whether we need a theology of biblical inspiration. The answer to this question is in the affirmative, since theology lacks a comprehensive theological study of this topic. The statements of Pope Benedict XVI in Verbum Domini and the encouragement expressed by Cardinal Gerhard Müller in the introduction to the document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission entitled Inspiration and Truth of Scripture (2014) support this claim . The author of this article gives an affirmative answer to this question by examining the proposal for a reasonably comprehensive account of the theology of inspiration articulated in a monograph From a Theology of Revelation to a Theology of Inspiration by Sławomir Zatwardnicki. A study is inspired by the works of Gerald O’Collins and Joseph Ratzinger, which constitute a starting point for further theological discussion.
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