The Structure of John 13:1–17 and its Application in the Christological-Soteriological, Baptismal and Ethical Interpretation
Gospel of John, foot-washing, structure, narration, Chrystology, baptism, ethics, ecumenismAbstract
The article analyzes the structure of the description of the washing of the feet in John 13:1–17. John 13:1.3 and 13:17 create a frame (inclusio) where the material is divided into two parallel parts (4–10a and 12–16) and each part ends with a concluding gnome (10a and 16). Based on this structure the author suggests a christological-soteriological, baptismal and ethical interpretation. All three perspectives overlap but also each one is focused on different aspects of the text. The conclusion of the paper offers an ecumenical overview resulting from accepting these three perspectives.
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