The Prophet Solomon and His Prophecies in The Targum of Qoheleth
Qoheleth, Ecclesiastes, Solomon, targum, aramaic translation, Jewish interpretationAbstract
The The teachings in the Book of Qoheleth were too different and radical to be transmitted in the Jewish tradition without any corrections, reservations, modifications, or at least without a limited trust. One of the attempts at making its text more acceptable consisted in attributing the Book of Qoheleth to Solomon so that it could have been included in the canon of the Hebrew Bible. Testimonies of earlier interpretation of this Book have been present in its ancient translations, among others, in the Targum of Qoheleth (Tg Qoh). This article offers the analysis of those fragments of the Aramaic version of Qoheleth, which reflect the prophetic tradition of Solomon. The Targum rendering made the message of this biblical book to have gained a new meaning and contributed to strengthening the necessary acceptance of the book in rabbinic Judaism. The study also demonstrates to what extent the Targum has changed the original text of the Book of Qohelet.
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