"Those who want to get rich." A linguistic and theological analysis of 1 Tim 6:9
Pastoral epistles, autarkeia, self-sufficiency, richness, covetousness, temptation, traps, worry, trustAbstract
The paper presents a linguistic and theological analysis of 1 Tim 6:9, which is a parenetic caution on possible perils awaiting those who desire to be rich. Being content with things we already have is, in view of eternal life, more important than multiplying our possessions.
In 1 Tim 6:9, we find two main stages of perils, “falling into temptation” and “drowning”. In the stage of “falling into temptation,” one can distinguish three sub-stages (a trial, a trap, and desires), while in the “drowning” stage, two sub-stages (ruin and destruction). The unbridled desire of becoming rich may ultimately lead even to eternal damnation.
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