“Principium Omnis Creaturae”
Exemplarism of the Divine Word in Thomas Aquinas’ "Super Epistolam ad Colossenses Lectura"
Middle Ages, Aquinas, Paul the Apostle, Exemplarism, Divine WordAbstract
At the crossroads of a complex texture of neoplatonic and peripatetic contaminations, in Aquinas’ Super Epistolam ad Colossenses Lectura, the mediaeval doctrine of divine ideas comes across to the historian as a crucial element in the theological definition of the intra-trinitarian relationship between the Father and the Son as well as of the dependence of creatures on Divine Wisdom. The paper aims to outline how the critique of many platonic positions blending with the recovery of Proclian axioms within a creationist frame provides Aquinas with an explicative model capable of describing in semantic terms not only the notion of divine Word, but also the causal bond between creatures and their creator.
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