Polarlichter. Das Kommunizieren über Naturphänomene in den Netzwerken der polnischen Gelehrtenrepublik im 18. Jahrhundert
communication networks, Northern Light, scholars, magazines, travel literatureAbstract
Northern Lights: Communication of Polish and German Scientists about the Phenomena of Nature in the 18th Century
This article analyzes the practice of observing, recording and explaining the northern lights in Poland in the 18t century. The records of the phenomena observed at that time and the exchange of information between scientists were discussed as an important element allowing for the understanding of the communication process. Various ways of explaining the aurora at this time are presented. Along with the progressive enlightenment, this phenomenon was more and more often explained in a rational manner, using contemporary scientific methods. On the example of selected sources one may trace the way in which scholars strove for the credibility of their statements, referring to correspondence with other astronomers, doctors and theologians, to newspapers and scientific journals and travel literature. This analysis showed the existence of communication networks that connected Polish scientists with science centers in the Reich, France and Great Britain. Translated by Agnieszka Chabros
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