Mścisława Wartenberga wykładnia metafizyki w perspektywie filozofii Immanuela Kanta
https://doi.org/10.12775/szhf.2014.049Słowa kluczowe
Wartenberg, Kant, Neo-Kantianism, metaphysics, hypothetical metaphysics, transcendentalismAbstrakt
Philosopher and mathematician Mścisław Wiktor Wartenberg (1868–1938), belongs to circles of experts of Immanuel Kant’s thought. How writes Wanda Bajor, the Thorough analysis of the Kantian philosophy gained him the acknowledgement in Poland and with the foreign lands. He tried to show that nor the idealism, nor the phenomenalism will lie, and a consequence of Kantianism is the realism. The critical interest with Kantian dualistic partition on this, what wonderful and is, what noumenal, Polish thinker of the turn of the century translates on the author’s program of philosophy, wherein – asking after the possibility and the need of metaphysics – he undertakes attempt of the qualification of her status. Accordingly reaches for elaborate by Kant the definition of the metaphysics as the critical science about limits of recognition, throwing away simultaneously her primitive, speculative perception relevantly of the science treating about the transcendental world of themselves things in himself. Seeking arguments in defence of metaphysics, Wartenberg marks her high in the system of skills real, going deeply results of detailed sciences. He supposes, that all metaphysical considerations should be preceded by the thorough epistemological analysis, determining terminus a quo of metaphysical considerations. In the article I describe inspired with the transcendental Kant’s thought, project of Wartenberg’s philosophy whose the interpretation determines – dedicated to Adam Mironowski – the research work Obrona metafizyki. Krytyczny wstęp do metafizyki (1902).
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