Descartes as a Precursor of the Ideology of Transhumanism
René Descartes, transhumanism, knowledgeAbstract
René Descartes’s philosophical thought contributed to the dynamic development of the natural sciences, particularly medicine. However, at the same time, it aroused great expectations concerning more and more effective exploitation of natural goods, better protection against all the threats which the natural world may potentially cause to man, but, first of all, it brought expectations of a better, healthier, and longer life. Descartes had such expectations himself; he believed that the development of knowledge would lead to the improvement of the natural world, the human body and psyche, as well as human morality. In fact, it is a dream about improving and perfecting all things which exist in the area of human experience, i.e. the entire reality – both material and spiritual. Modern transhumanists have similar expectations. Even though they have not adopted them directly from the father of modern rationalism, a comparison of Cartesian belief with transhumanist belief is instructive as it facilitates the understanding of the direction in which our civilization is heading.
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