Observation of Reality and Theory Creation in Panagiotis Kondylis’ Thought
Panagiotis Kondylis, theory of war, theory creation, skepticism, relativity of valuesAbstract
In the first part of the paper the authors present an outline of the Polish perception of thoughts and ideas of Panagiotis Kondylis which has started to develop only recently. This is followed by demonstrating major issues present in the output of this Greek philosopher who was strongly linked both with Greece (Athens) and with Germany (Heidelberg). The paper closes with a discussion of Kondylis’ concept of theory creation demonstrated in his work entitled Theorie des Krieges. Clausewitz – Marx – Engels – Lenin (Theory of War. Clausewitz – Marx – Engels – Lenin) which was published in Stuttgart in 1998. Although the very foundation of his ideas is the theory of war by Carl von Clausewitz whom Kondylis perceived as a conceptual soul mate, the discussion per se is of a more universal nature and may pertain to the essence of developing any theory. The paper is to help the Polish reader to understand the ideas and thoughts of Kondylis, and thus to facilitate the perception of translations of his texts that were published in Studies in the history of philosophy.References
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