Machiavelli’s Understanding of Good and Evil
Niccolo Machiavelli, good, evil, workmanship, virtue, Dante, betrayalAbstract
Niccolo Machiavelli’s way of understanding the notions of good and evil rely on his theory of the origins of communities, according to which their basic structure is build around the figures of founders. Communities are kept alive by the constant effort make by their members to take care of common good and practice of crafts of peace. Forces opposed to the founders and disarraying the social life can be described as the figures on the continuum stretched between traitors, as Brutus or Judas, and lazy-bones or cowards, parasiting on the fruits of common labor. This way of understanding the good and the evil has its roots in the age of Athenian Enlightenment – in the conception of virtue ethics based on workmanship metaphor as presented in the philosophy of sophists, Socrates, cynics and Aristotle.
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