Jacques’a Rohaulta interpretacja i obrona teorii kartezjańskiej
physics, Cartesianism, modernityAbstract
The article entitled Jacques Rohault's Interpretation and Defense of Cartesian Theory is a concise presentation of the person and philosophy of the seventeenth-century French scholar Rohault. He was a declared continuator of the physics of the great Descartes. He wrote two books devoted to explaining and popularizing the philosophy of his predecessor in the field of natural sciences. He took an active part in the scientific life of Paris and was a professor of mathematics. The article presents the main assumptions of Rohault's study, both in relation to his main work, which is Traité de physique, and to Entretiens sur la philosophie. The text shows Rohault's attitude towards Descartes, his commitment to the dissemination of the new philosophy and its defense against accusations of its alleged incompatibility with Aristotelianism and the Holy Scriptures
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