Wiedza Boga o momencie śmierci człowieka w Epistola ad Bernardum Tomasza z Akwinu a opatrzność w tomizmie analitycznym
analytical thomism, the knowledge of God, providence, future contingent events, the moment of death of manAbstract
God’s Knowledge about moment of man’s death in Thomas Aquinas Epistola ad Bernardum and providence in analytical thomism
The aim of the article is to present the most important statement in the last – dictated before his death – letter of Thomas Aquinas to the abbot of Monte Cassino (Epistola ad Bernardum) and look at it from the perspective of the most important expression of contemporary analytical thomism. This letter basically resolved questions about the knowledge of God and its infallibility and in particular providence, which would effectively lead to a predetermined moment of human death. The article presents the views of E. Stump, B. Davies, SL Brock, Ch. Hughes, who in the framework of thomistic proposition solved this issue.
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