Complementarity and cohesion of the sophiologic and scientific vision of creation
Sophiology, Wisdom, creation, Trinitarian ontology, cosmology, evolution, science and religionAbstract
The rapid development of empirical science (physics, biology) and theoretical grounds (theoretical physics) related with them, results in many theories on the origin, evolution and nature of the world, sometimes interpreted as contradictory to the theological conception. Consequently, under the influence of these achievements, within theology itself, an opinion about autonomy of both domains and their complementarity seems to be more and more popular. Facing this relation, it is theology that should present the possibility of such understanding of the revealed truths that they could coexist with scientific discoveries.
Based directly on biblical texts, the sophiological vision of origin and nature of the world seems to be very interesting among other theological conceptions regarding this topic. The present article attempts to confront the sophiology’s presumptions on the eternal creative Wisdom with scientific thesis on the world’s nature (i.e. its laws), its development (evolution, accidentality of events) and on human existence (among which is liberty) in order to demonstrate the possibility of coexistence of these discourses with no contradiction.
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