Forgiveness in the Bible
guilt, the truth of sin, forgiveness, mercy, understandingAbstract
Forgiveness is a subject that runs through the Bible from its first to the last page with all the richness of its contents and dramatic indications. On one hand, it reaches the very foundations of the metaphysics of creation subject to “vanity”; on the other hand, it touches upon God who, using the wealth of his mercy, tirelessly shows understanding and forgiveness. According to the Revelation, God's answer to human sinfulness is forgiveness only if the sinner turns into the light of the truth concerning his sin. An equally important condition for being granted God’s forgiveness is showing forgiveness to those who did us harm, committed injustice, inflicted pain, shocked, took something away, or damages our reputation. One may assume that human imperfection or sinfulness is a spiritual space where a special attribute of God manifests itself – his mercy which results in forgiveness coaxed thanks to his Son’s sacrifice.References
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