Functional instability of the spine: selection measures for diagnosis and treatment using computer stability. Journal of Education, Health and Sport
computer stability, , instability of the spineAbstract
Osteochondrosis of the spine is one of the most common chronic diseases of the human musculoskeletal system, in which there is a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs and ligaments.
The aim of the study was to analyze the problems of pain and instability of the spine that occur in osteochondrosis, kinesiological methods of their diagnosis and treatment, and the criteria for selecting patients for the treatment of spinal instability.
Material and methods of investigation. Literature sources were analyzed to substantiate the feasibility of selecting patients with disorders of functional stability of the spine and the use of computer stabiloplatform for diagnosis and treatment.
Results. 4 groups of people were selected for examination and treatment. All individuals were selected from patients who applied to the Milon Center, which specializes in helping patients with kinesiodiagnostics and kinesiotherapy, therapeutic massage. All patients gave informed consent to use their examination and treatment data, if necessary, using a stabiloplatform. The first group included people who did not have osteochondrosis, but led a sedentary lifestyle, mostly traveling by car, ie were at risk of developing osteochondrosis. Their age was 22–28 years; the distribution by sex was - 12 men and 16 women. The second included patients who had hypermobility of the spine. Their age was 25-35 years; the distribution by sex was - 18 men and 23 women. The third group included patients with hypomobility of the spine. Their age was 28-45 years; the distribution by sex was - 15 men and 20 women. The fourth group included patients with spinal instability. Their age was 30-50 years; the distribution by sex was - 22 men and 32 women.
Expected results. In each of the groups of subjects is expected to improve the functional stability of the spine, reduce disorders of the autonomic nervous system, reduce psychological disorders, improve sleep quality. The selection of the number of procedures is set individually, depending on the quality of the detected changes. Long-term results of stabilometry application are expected to be investigated.
Conclusion. Osteochondrosis is a modern disease that leads to a deterioration in the quality of people of working age. The use of computer stabilometry can improve the functional stability of the spine.
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