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Gozhenko, AI; Sydoruk, NO; Babelyuk, VYe; Dubkowa, GI; Flyunt, VR; Hubytskyi, VYo; Zukow, W; Barylyak, LG; Popovych, IL Journal of Education, Health and Sport. Modulating effects of bioactive water Naftussya from layers Truskavets' and Pomyarky on some metabolic and biophysic parameters at humans with dysfunction of neuro-endocrine-immune complex 2016 6 12 826 842 1
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Kazmierczak, U; Goch, A; Radziminska, A; Zniszczol, P; Kropkowska, P; Strojek, K J Educ Health Sport Evaluation of static balance with the use of the posturographic platform in poorly visionaries and blind persons 2016 6 102 12 1
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