The effect of cranioskeletal trauma complicated by blood loss on the functional state of the liver in the early period of traumatic disease in rats with different resistance to hypoxia and their correction
cranioskeletal trauma, blood loss, hypoxia resistance, bile excretion rate, thiocetamAbstract
Introduction. Traumatic events are considered to be one of the current problems in modern urban society. Beyond being the immediate cause of the death of the injured, the development of multiple organ failure syndrome is a perilous complication of severe multiple and combined trauma. An experimental cranioskeletal trauma is known to be accompanied by internal organ dysfunction. Nonetheless, the development of organ dysfunction in terms of hypoxia resistance in the presence of cranioskeletal trauma remains insufficiently studied.
The objective of research: to establish the dynamics of the functional state of the liver in the presence of cranioskeletal trauma, complicated by blood loss in rats with different hypoxia resistance in the early period of traumatic disease and evaluate the efficacy of Thiocetam in the correction of identified abnormalities.
Material and methods: The experimental studies were conducted on 196 white non-linear male rats weighing 180-200g. Initially, an individual resistance to hypoxia of the rats was estimated, and the animals demonstrated high- and low- resistance value to hypoxia (HR and LR, respectively) were selected for the further study. The HR- and LR-rats were separately divided into 4 groups: control and three experimental once. In the first experimental groups the HR-and LR-animals were induced the cranioskeletal trauma under thiopental sodium anesthesia (40 mg·kg-1); the animals of the second experimental groups were inflicted the acute blood loss of 20-22% of circulating blood volume; in the third experimental groups, the HR and LR animals were subjected to an acute blood loss following the cranioskeletal trauma and administered the intraperitoneal injection of the Thiocetam at a dose of 250 mg·кg-1 of body weight once a day for correction. The bile excretion function of the liver was analyzed in the controls and experimental groups of animals 1, 3 and 7 days after trauma.
The results and discussion. The conducted studies indicated the higher rate of bile excretion in the control group of LR-rats compared to the control of HR-rats. The rate of bile excretion was occurred decreased in both HR- and LR-rats under the influence of the cranioskeletal trauma. However, the degree of decrease in the studied parameter of the LR-rats was considerably greater than the corresponding value of the HR-rats. An additional blood loss model resulted in more marked abnormalities, particularly in the experimental group of LR-rats. The 7-day administration of Thiocetam led to the significant decrease in the abnormal bile excretion rate in the experimental groups of HR- and LR-rats compared to the animals without corrective medication. The analysis of deviation degree of the studied parameter in the animals administered Thiocetam in relation to the animals without correction evidenced better efficacy of the medication in the experimental group consisted of LR-rats compared to the group of HR-rats, especially under the conditions of additional acute blood loss model. Consequently, Thiocetam is able to compensate less-developed defense mechanisms of LR-rats compared to the HR-rats, which should be taken into consideration in real-life clinical practice settings in the comprehensive treatment of the injured with cranioskeletal trauma complicated by blood loss considering the possibility to determine their resistance to hypoxia.
Conclusions. The rate of bile excretion as a basic indicator of the functional state of the liver in the intact LR-rats is found to be substantially higher than in HR-rats. The degree of decrease in the rate of bile excretion is significantly greater in LR-rats after 7 days of the post-traumatic period under the influence of cranioskeletal trauma complicated by acute blood loss. The administration of Thiocetam is accompanied by a marked positive effect on the rate of bile excretion in the HR- and LR-rats, but the degree of increase in the studied parameter is considerably greater in the experimental group of LR-rats.
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